Heim theory

Heim theory is a physics theory, initially proposed by a German physicist, the late Burkhard Heim, that attempts to develop a theory of everything.[1] Heim theory's six dimensional model was later extended to eight and twelve dimensions, in collaboration with W. Dröscher.[2][3][4] Walter Dröscher and Jochem Häuser have attempted to apply it to nonconventional space propulsion and faster than light concepts, as well as the origin of dark matter.[4][5] Heim theory has been criticized because much of the original work and subsequent theories were not initially peer reviewed.[6] Heim eventually published some of his work in 1977[7] and more recently aspects of Extended Heim Theory have also been submitted to the scientific community's inspection.[8] Heim attempted to resolve incompatibilities between quantum theory and general relativity. To meet that goal, he developed a mathematical approach based on quantizing spacetime, and proposed the "metron" as a (two-dimensional) quantum of (multidimensional) space. Part of the theory is formulated in terms of difference operators; Heim called this type of mathematical formalism Selector calculus.[9]



The mathematics behind Heim's theory requires extending spacetime with extra dimensions; various formulations by Heim and his successors involve six, eight, or twelve dimensions. Within the quantum spacetime of Heim theory, elementary particles are represented as "hermetry forms" or multidimensional structures of space. Heim has claimed that his theory yields particle masses directly from fundamental physical constants and that the resulting masses are in agreement with experiment. This claim was disputed by physicist John Reed in 2006, who subsequently changed his mind with further research and now thinks there is something to Heim's theory.[10] In the Physics Forum, Sept. 4 2007, Reed wrote, "I'm more convinced now that there is really something to his theory. I don't understand much of the math yet. It's very complicated and different from anything I'm familiar with. I have a Ph.D. in physics so I know something about physics."

For Heim, this composite nature was an expression of internal, six-dimensional structure. After his death, others have continued with his multi-dimensional "quantum hyperspace" framework. Most notable are the theoretical generalizations put forth by Walter Dröscher, who worked in collaboration with Heim at some length. Their combined theories are also known as "Heim-Droescher" theories or Extended Heim theory.[11]

There are some differences between the original "Heim Theory" and the extended versions proposed by his successors. For example, in its original version Heim theory has six dimensions, i.e. the 4 of normal space-time with two extra timelike dimensions. Droescher first extended this to eight and claimed that this yields quantum electrodynamics along with the "particle zoo" of mesons and baryons. Later, four more dimensions were used to arrive at the twelve dimensional version, which involves extra gravitational forces; one of these corresponds to quintessence.[11] Although it purports to unify quantum mechanics and gravitation, the original Heim theory cannot be considered a theory of everything because it does not incorporate all known experimental data. In particular, it gives predictions only for properties of individual particles, without making detailed predictions about how they interact. The theory also allows for particle states that don't exist in the Standard Model, including a neutral electron and two extra light neutrinos, and many other extra states. Presently, there is no known mechanism for the exclusion of these extra particles, nor an explanation for their non-observation.[12] Although it is claimed that Heim theory can incorporate the modern structure of particle physics,[11] the available results predict the masses for composite hadrons rather than quarks and do not include gluons or the W and Z bosons,[13] which are experimentally very well-established.[14][15][16] In Heim theory, quarks are interpreted as 'condensation zones' of the six-dimensional internal structure of the particles,[17] and the gluons are asserted to be associated with one of the "hermetry forms".[18]


A small group of physicists is now trying to bring the theory to the attention of the scientific community, by publishing and copy-editing Heim's work, and by checking and expanding the relevant calculations. Recently, a series of presentations of Heim theory was made by Häuser, Dröscher and von Ludwiger. A paper based on the former was published in a conference proceedings by the American Institute of Physics journal in 2005 (see table of contents in [19]) This article has won a prize for the best paper received in 2004 by the AIAA Nuclear and Future Flight Technical Committee. Von Ludwiger's presentation was to the First European Workshop on Field Propulsion, January 20–22, 2001 at the University of Sussex. Dröscher claimed to have successfully extended Heim's six-dimensional theory, which had been sufficient for derivation of the mass formula, to an eight-dimensional theory which included particle interactions.

Predictions of the theory

Dröscher and Häuser developed the category of non-ordinary matter in 2008.[20] Heim theory predicts a neutral electron,[21] although in a popular talk, Heim notes that while a neutral electron is allowed by his theory, it is not required.[22] It would be difficult to reconcile a prediction of a neutral electron with the lack of any observation of the particle [23]. According to the Totalitarian principle that every interaction not forbidden must occur, such a light neutral particle should be one of the possible end products of the decay of every known elementary particle,[24] and so theoretically has a small probability of occurring in every experiment involving particle collisions.

Heim's predictions for experimental masses

Particle name Theoretical mass (MeV/c²) Experimental mass (MeV/c²) Absolute error Relative error standard deviations
Proton 938.27959 938.272029±0.000080 0.00756 0.00000776 94.5
Neutron 939.57337 939.565360±0.000081 0.00801 0.00000853 98.9
Electron 0.51100343 0.510998918±0.000000044 0.00000451 0.00000883 102.5
Neutral electron 0.51617049 Unobserved N/A N/A N/A
Particle type Particle name Theoretical mass (MeV/c²) Measured mass (MeV/c²) Theoretical mean life/10−8 sec Measured mean life/10−8 sec
Lepton Ele-Neutrino 0.381 × 10−8 < 5 × 10−8 Infinite Infinite
Lepton Mu -Neutrino 0.00537 < 0.17 Infinite Infinite
Lepton Tau-Neutrino 0.010752 < 18.2 Infinite Infinite
Lepton Neutrino 4 0.021059 Excluded by LEP
(unless > 45000)
Infinite N/A
Lepton Neutrino 5 0.207001 Excluded by LEP
(unless > 45000)
Infinite N/A
Lepton Electron 0.51100343 0.51099907 ± 0.00000015 Infinite Infinite
Lepton Muon 105.65948493 105.658389 ± 0.000034 219.94237553 219.703 ± 0.004
Baryon Proton 938.27959246 938.27231 ± 0.00026 Infinite Infinite
Baryon Neutron 939.57336128 939.56563 ± 0.00028 917.33526856 × 108 (886.7 ± 1.9) × 108

The predicted masses were claimed to have been derived by Heim using only 4 parameters - h (Planck's Constant), G (Gravitational constant), vacuum permittivity and permeability.


Physicist Gerhard Bruhn has criticized Heim theory for having a flat M metric. [25]

Heim theorists responded with a rebuttal.

...spacetime is assumed to be a differentiable 4-dimensional manifold, M4, as long as quantum effects are not considered. This manifold comprises a collection of points where each point is specified by a set of four real numbers and has the same local topology as R4, i.e., it is locally but not globally (as you wrongly assume) like R4. This is why we refer to this spacetime sometimes as R4, but from the physics context its meaning is always clear...A different question is the embedding of 4D spacetime in an Euclidean space. In GR there exist 10 independent components of the metric tensor, and thus a R10 would be needed. Your example is for embedding a 2D manifold that is, a surface of a sphere, in R3. But this is not relevant for the construction of the poly-metric tensor.-Hauser and Droescher's Rebuttal on www.hpccspace.de[26]

According to a 2006 posting to the "PhysicsOrgForum" by John Reed,[27] the apparent success of the Heim theory predicting particle masses may be illusory. Nevertheless, since the excited states calculated were in fact "useless" (according to Reed), it was unclear whether any other predictions of the Heim theory remain.[28]

In a later posting in August 2007, Reed received the updated 1989 mass formula code from the Heim theory group, and on the basis of this, withdrew the assertion that both the 1989 and 1982 code almost certainly used quantum numbers based on the A matrix.

“When I first looked into the 1982 version, the A matrix was present in the equations and a suggestion given for its values. Only in reading Heim's books did I learn the source of the values. Heim said that he had to fix the values to obtain correct ground state masses. I assumed that in the following work this hadn't changed. Apparently that assumption is incorrect. It looks like Heim made further progress and found a way to derive masses without the A matrix, so the A matrix should no longer be part of the discussion.”.[29]

On September 4, Reed reported on results obtained by the updated 1989 formula:

"I've completed my programming of Heim's unpublished 1989 equations to derive the extra quantum numbers (n, m, p, sigma) that I thought were coming from the A matrix. I can now say for certain that the A matrix is not involved with this new version. In addition, I can derive particle masses with only the quantum numbers k, Q, P, kappa and charge without the A matrix. This is what I had hoped to be able to do. These results agree with Anton Mueller's results. I'm able to get accurate masses for the 17 test particles I have tried this program on. The worst mass comparisons with experimental data are the neutron, 939.11 vs 939.56 experimental and the eta, 548.64 vs 547.3 experimental. All the others are closer, sometimes agreeing to 6 digits.” [29]

There exists a preliminary version of this derivation available on-line.[30] This version still may contain some errors, and the authors, the Heim Theory Group, are in the process of checking and amending it.[31]

More recently, Reed has said:

"I think I have some idea of what Heim did now. There is much talk in his book about "empirical data". He took the particle mass data and cooked up his equations to make them correct. It certainly was a lot of work for him, but I don't think it has much to do with physics. I'm sorry to say I wasted a lot of time on this but I hope I can save someone else some work.” [32]

Heim's predictions for a quantum gravity force

In the 1950s, Heim had predicted what he termed a 'contrabary' effect whereby photons, under the influence of a strong magnetic field in a certain configuration, could be transformed into 'gravito-photons', which would provide an artificial gravity force. This idea caused great interest at the time.[33] A recent series of experiments by Martin Tajmar et al., partly funded by European Space Agency, may have produced the first evidence of artificial gravity [34] (about 18 orders of magnitude greater than what General Relativity predicts). As of late 2006, groups at Berkeley and elsewhere were attempting to reproduce this effect. By applying their 'gravito-photon' theory to bosons, Dröscher and Häuser were able to predict the size and direction of the effect. A further prediction of Heim-Dröscher theory shows how a different arrangement of the experiment by Tajmar et al. could produce a vertical force against the direction of the Earth's gravity.

However, in July 2007, a group in Canterbury, New Zealand, said that they failed to reproduce Tajmar et al.'s effect, concluding that, based on the accuracy of the experiment, any such effect, if it exists, must be 21 times smaller than that predicted by the theory proposed by Tajmar in 2006.[35] Tajmar et al., however, interpreted a trend in the Canterbury data of the order expected, though almost hidden by noise. They also reported on their own improved laser gyro measurements of the effect, but this time found 'parity breaking' in that only for clockwise spin did they note an effect, whilst for the Canterbury group there was only an anti-clockwise effect .[36] In the same paper, the Heim-Theory explanation of the effect is, for the first time, cited as a possible cause of the artificial gravity. Tajmar has recently found additional support from Gravity Probe B results.[37]

Selector calculus

Selector calculus is a form of calculus, employed by Burkhard Heim in formulating his theory of physics. The differencing operator is intended to be analogous to taking derivatives of functions.

\eth (which Heim calls Metrondifferential in German) is defined to be the same as \nabla in difference operator. The summation operator is intended to be analogous with integration. Instead of using the integral sign, Heim substitutes a bold italicised capital S for the typical integral sign. In this case
S^{n_2}_{n_1} \phi \eth n = S^{n_2}_{n_1} \eth \psi
 = \sum_{n=n_1}^{n_2} \left ( \psi(n) - \psi(n-1) \right )
 = \psi(n_2) - \psi (n_1 - 1).

Note that \phi \eth n = \eth \psi. [38]

See also

Further reading

First and second publication in a peer reviewed scientific journal



  1. ^ Heim Theory "The Science Classroom". https://thescienceclassroom.wikispaces.com/Burkhard+Heim Heim Theory. Retrieved September 27, 2010. 
  2. ^ a b Burkhard Heim: Elementarstrukkturen der Materie 1 - IGW. Igw-resch-verlag.at. Retrieved on 2010-10-17.
  3. ^ a b Burkhard Heim: Elementarstrukkturen der Materie 1 - IGW. Igw-resch-verlag.at. Retrieved on 2010-10-17.
  4. ^ a b List of Publications
  5. ^ T. Auerbach Heim’s Theory of Elementary Particle Structures
  6. ^ v. Ludwiger, L. (2001, January 28) Zum Tode des Physikers Burkhard Heim. Feldkirchen-Westerham.[1]
  7. ^ Burkhard Heim (1977). "Vorschlag eines Weges einer einheitlichen Beschreibung der Elementarteilchen (Recommendation of a Way to a Unified Description of Elementary Particles)". Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 32a: 233–243. Bibcode 1977ZNatA..32..233H. 
  8. ^ Häuser, J., Dröscher, W., Emerging Physics for Novel Field Propulsion Science
    Paper presented at the Space, Propulsion & Energy Sciences International Forum SPESIF-2010, Johns Hopkins - APL, Laurel, Maryland, 23–25 February 2010, and published by the American Institute of Physics. [2]
  9. ^ Heim, Burkhard (1998) [1980]. "Chapter 3". Elementarstrukturen der Materie - Einheitliche strukturelle Quantenfeldtheorie der Materie und Gravitation. Resch Verlag. pp. 99–172. ISBN 3-85382-008-5. 
  10. ^ J. Reed (2006, 2007); quoted in Rise and Fall of the Heim Theory . Retrieved 16 June 2007.
  11. ^ a b c igw-resch-verlag.at/resch_verlag/burkhard_heim/band3.html
  12. ^ Introduction to Heim's Mass Formula. Selected Results
  13. ^ Walter Dröscher, Jochem Hauser Coupled Gravitational Fields. A New Paradigm for Propulsion Science
  14. ^ R. Brandelik et al. (TASSO collaboration) (1979). "Evidence for Planar Events in e+e- Annihilation at High Energies". Phys. Lett. B 86 (2): 243–249. Bibcode 1979PhLB...86..243B. doi:10.1016/0370-2693(79)90830-X. 
  15. ^ G. Arnison et al. (UA1 collaboration) (1983). "Experimental Observation of Isolated Large Transverse Energy Electrons with Associated Missing Energy at \sqrt{s} = 540 GeV". Phys. Lett. B 122: 103–116. Bibcode 1983PhLB..122..103A. doi:10.1016/0370-2693(83)91177-2. 
  16. ^ S. Eidelman et al. (2004). "Review of Particle Properties". Phys. Lett. B 592: 1. arXiv:astro-ph/0406663. Bibcode 2004PhLB..592....1P. doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2004.06.001. http://pdg.lbl.gov. 
  17. ^ Burkhard Heim. "IGW Research" (in German). http://www.igw-resch-verlag.at/resch_verlag/burkhard_heim/band3.html. 
  18. ^ Walter Dröscher and Jochem Hauser Extended Heim Theory, Physics of Spacetime, and Field Propulsion, 10 April 2006
  19. ^ Hauser, Dröscher, and von Ludwiger. "Heim theory presentation". American Institute of Physics journal. http://proceedings.aip.org/proceedings/confproceed/746.jsp. Retrieved 6 November 2010. 
  20. ^ Häuser, J., Private communication to H. Deasy, July 2008.
  21. ^ T.Auerbach and I. von Ludwiger, "Heim ́s Theory of Elementary Particle Structures, Journal of Scientific Exploration,Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 217-231, 1992; available here [3]
  22. ^ See end of chapter 9.2 (p. 73) of Heim's MBB presentation (1976)
  23. ^ Abraham Seiden, Particle Physics: A Comprehensive Introduction, Addison Wesley (2004); ISBN 978-0805387360
  24. ^ B. R. Martin and G. Shaw Particle Physics, Wiley (2nd edition, 1997) ISBN 978-0471972853
  25. ^ Remarks on Burkhard Heim's IGW Successors J. Hauser and W. Droescher and their Theory, Gerhard W. Bruhn, Darmstadt University of Technology, March 29, 2006
  26. ^ Rebuttal: Critiscm of a Flat Metric re: Prof. Bruhn, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany, March 7, 2006
  27. ^ John Reed, Understanding Heim Theory, 12-26-2006, posted to sci.physics.research
  28. ^ G. Landis, "Heim Theory" 2007 . Retrieved 13 Sept 2007.
  29. ^ a b PhysOrgForum Science, Physics and Technology Discussion Forums -> Burkhard Heim's Particle Structure Theory
  30. ^ Zur Herleitung der Heimschen Massenformel
  31. ^ Einführung in die Heimsche Massenformel
  32. ^ John Reed, Burkhard Heim's Particle Structure Theory, 06-27-2011, posted to Physforum
  33. ^ Testing Heim's theories, Newscientist
  34. ^ esa.int
  35. ^ R.D. Graham, R.B. Hurst, R.J. Thirkettle, C.H. Rowe, P.H. Butler (2008). "Experiment to Detect Frame Dragging in a Lead Superconductor". Physica C: Superconductivity 468 (5): 383. Bibcode 2008PhyC..468..383G. doi:10.1016/j.physc.2007.11.011. http://www2.phys.canterbury.ac.nz/~physrin/papers/SuperFrameDragging2007.pdf. 
  36. ^ Search for Frame-Dragging-Like Signals Close to Spinning Superconductors
  37. ^ [0707.3806] Search for Frame-Dragging-Like Signals Close to Spinning Superconductors. Arxiv.org. Retrieved on 2010-10-17.
  38. ^ Burkhard Heim, Elementarstrukturen der Materie - Einheitliche strukturelle Quantenfeldtheorie der Materie und Gravitation, Resch Verlag, (1980, 1998) ISBN 3-85382-008-5. Selector calculus is covered in chapter 3 (pp. 99–172).
  39. ^ Burkhard Heim Elementary Structures of Matter
  40. ^ Burkhard Heim: Elementarstrukkturen der Materie 1 - IGW. Igw-resch-verlag.at. Retrieved on 2010-10-17.
  41. ^ Burkhard Heim: Einfürhung in Burkhard Heim - IGW. Igw-resch-verlag.at. Retrieved on 2010-10-17.

External links


Sites offering explanations of and discussions about Heim theory related topics:

Description of the theory in a (non-mainstream) scientific journal paper:

"Basic thoughts on a unified field theory of matter and gravity" - Burkhard Heim's presentation to MBB engineers in 1976 (version 1.2en 2007).

The heart of the Heim theory is presented in a much simpler form here than in the detailed derivation which appeared in the original works (Elementarstrukturen der Materie - volume 1 and 2.) So this lecture is highly recommended for anybody who wants to go deeper into the basic ideas and systematics of the Heim theory.

Maps showing the train of thought of the first 5 chapters of Elementary structures of matter up to the derivation of 6-dimensional quantized space.

Various Implementations of Heim theory mass formula

Heim's mass formula has been implemented in several programming languages. The first version was implemented by physicists from DESY in collaboration with Burkhard Heim. More recent implementations are available in Java, C, C#, Pascal, Fortran, Excel, Mathematica and Maxima.

Conference proceedings

Propulsion physics

News items